Dr. Hind Al-Zubaidi

MNZSCM (Member New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine)
FRNZCGP (Fellow Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioner)
FRACGP (Fellow Royal Australian College of General Practitioner)
MB.ch.B (Bachelor of Medicine)

What is Appearance Medicine / Cosmetic Medicine?

It is the medically proven ways in treating undesired appearance like excessive underarm sweating, masseter muscle hypertrophy, hair loss and age-related skin changes such as facial wrinkles, fine lines, facial pigmentation, acne scars and change in facial contour secondary to volume loss.

Book now with Face Secrets Medical where you can find the latest knowledge and training in Appearance Medicine.

Also you can check here her membership in the New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine.

The Clinic

Face Secrets Medical clinic is designed to provide the best and latest treatment in Appearance Medicine.

The Clinic
The Clinic

Proud TAPS (Therapeutic Advertising Pre-Vetting Service) Approved Clinic

Approval No.: PP2733

The New Client Starts Here

Please send us a message or give us a call

Call +64 21 666 732

15 + 14 =

A Fresh and Natural Look of you

Is our Mission


+64 21 666 732

Browns Bay Family Doctors (BBFD)

65 Clyde Road

 (Above the ANZ Bank)

Browns Bay, Northshore  Auckland 0627

Booking Schedules:

1.) From 3:00pm to 4:30 pm

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

2.) From 2:00pm to 4:30pm

Every Thursday